2018 MOTYC Radar: Tom Lawlor vs. WALTER BLOODSPORT

Tom Lawlor vs. WALTER (GCW 4/5/18)

Love that Lawlor wants to fight Big Daddy Walter so much that he comes in with a broken arm. How did he break it? Lariat’d Dominic Garrini on an AIW show so hard it snapped.

You would think these two could work a Tamura versus Vader-esque match and boy did they not go that direction at all. This might be the least shooty match on the card despite it being between the European ambassador of the style and a former UFC fighter. Now, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t real flippin’ good. I personally thought WALTER was above targeting an injured arm, again I am super wrong. WALTER chucks strikes at it, tears off the cast, and attempts to rip the dang thing off on the mat. While the match lacks the shoot stylings you would expect, the match definitely feels more weighty. It isn’t about going on a chop bonanza like some WALTER matches, it is about the weight of every strike. It has good mouth feel, you know? There is no real down moments but they aren’t ramping things up to an epic level. The only moments where Lawlor stands a chance is when Lawlor gives him the chance. Poor Tom doesn’t want to get into a strike exchange WALTER but if that’s all WALTER will willingly let you do, how are you supposed to retaliate? Once WALTER gives Lawlor a chance though Tom gets some chances down the stretch. Like, it isn’t 50/50 but Lawlor gets himself in good position to go on rallies that might be meaningful. Coolest moment is probably Lawlor having his leg kick checked, WALTER tells him to come at him, and Lawlor leg kicks the other leg despite WALTER trying the same check again. Just garbage that I like.

Overall, strong match. Little stories of Lawlor trying to take the most of WALTER’s egotistical openings and WALTER taking apart Lawlor’s arm. Pacing never ramps up to an OMG level but you’re are never starving for more. Strikes are of course as stiff as a board. That’s quality pro wrestling baby.

DISCLAIMER: Folks boo’d Lawlor when he landed a Superman Punch so you should know the crowd had a bunch of dumb marks.

2018 MOTYC Radar

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